Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Assalamualaikum..Hello to all my friends..

I am supposed to continue my slide presentation about drugs. Tomorrow, i-m going to teach my students about drugs. But...u know that i-m in the WEDDING MOOD..hUUUUuuu syok!:p

For the past 4 hours...i-m busy surfing at the wedding photographer's website.Yes, i do have one wedding photographer on my akad nikah day.It MR Faisal Rahim a.k.a ACAI , member blogku.I really adore his works.I like the photo bcoz its so dramatic...yUuhuu.Itu yang penting.Sayatak suka gambar posing posing then senyum...posing posing..say chissss..I rather like the candid picture...But, still i want that posing-posing gambar on my day nanti..heheheh

Now, i am looking forwards to find another wedding photographer for my kenduri on this june. I'll try to ask Faisal..But, he cannot confirm the date coz ada event kat kampeni dia...By march or april baru boleh confirm..And..i-m getting worried coz most of the photographer had already fully booked on that date..Haiyaa.

I just want to share with all of you..I found lots of cool + good + passionate malaysian photographer. Truly...i fall in love with their works..


Itulah yang dapat saya observed..for the past 4 hours..I will update kalau jumpa photographer yang saya suka...(Chot and FaisalRahim are my blog member that i always tgk photo diorg captured.Chot suka ambil gambar sehari harian...or another word outing street photograph...(correct me if i-m wrong.manele ku tahu term term photographer ni..hihi..Aku tertanya tanya bilakah agaknye chot nak tersnap gambar ku ketika sedang shopping di klcc..ngeh ngeh)

I LOVE PHOTO THAT CAN TELL me more than thousand words..A picture/photo is worth a thousand words.Tengok saja photo tu, terbayang semua kenangan indah..Tengok saja photo tu, terbayang sedara mara yang datang masa kenduri..Each photo tu leh link link pada setiap memori terindah perkahwinan..ewwahhh

ONE MORE INFO..I fall in luv with this website... Tiba-tiba diriku ini manjadi ter'influence' to get/buy camera to capture all the sweetest moment bila dah ada anak nanti..

Huuuuu..Yang penting my roomate,Reen sudah menjadi passionate with all the photography works.Come on reen..Beli jgn tak beli.Then leh ajar kak izza.Sekarang, dia dah pandai edit-edit kat adobe photoshop...Huuu


  1. CandidSyndrome by Saiful Nang pleaseeeeeeeee!!!! tapi budget mesti masyuk la sayang....

  2. saiful nang huuuuuuuuu mahel leh takhan tuuuuuu ..hahaha



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