Sunday, July 18, 2010

baby walker tu bahaya

Most injuries are caused by falls when the babywalker tips and the baby is thrown downstairs or crashes into furniture, heaters or ovens. There is also an increased risk of your baby being burnt by previously inaccessible objects, such as candles and hot cups of tea. Thirdly, it allows her to reach household poisons, such as perfume, mouthwash or alcohol, left at a previously safe level.

me and my husband are planning to buy a walker to ira and ara.Hoewever, this article really caught my attention...

Is it possible to buy a walker to ira and ara?
no !i don think so..Refer to that article, injuries occur in baby walker more than other baby equipment..Sebab dkat walker tu ada roda kan, so bila baby naik dia akan ada speed. For sure baby suka kan..Just imagine bila your baby pergi kat your kitchen, then tertolak bekas kaca ke, tertolak gas ke..

Menurut hukum fizik, if the speed increase, momentum pun increase gak
Formulanya p = mv..(wahh melalut dah aku)

Aku rasa kalau orang rumah dua tingkat lagi bahaya!Aku rasa korang le fahamkan nape walker ni sangat dangerous untuk rumah dua tingkat..

This is another fact yang sangat interesting..

Walkers won't help your baby learn to walk and in fact, using one too much may even delay her development slightly. A baby needs to roll, crawl, sit and to play on the floor, in order to reach her developmental milestones.

So, i decide to not to buy baby walker. Let ira and ara exercise aje on the floor..lagipun leh jimat duit kan..heheh

ira dan ara golek golek, rolling rolling crawling crawling aje kat atas tilam kan..lagi besh kan..heheh


  1. tak plan pon nk bg walker kat my baby.... tp rocker tu mmg banyak membantu... specially baby2 yg asik nk berdukung je... :D

  2. kita baru jer nak beli bulan depan...tapi nak beli yang ader alas kat kaki tu...

  3. salam ukhwah.. blog hopping.. ada masa, jemput ziarah blog hamba jika berminat nak baca my TRAVELOGUES IN 45 COUNTRIES.. :)

  4. adik aku pernah jatuh dari tangga dengan menaiki baby walker.. huhu. seb baik cedera ringan ja.

  5. Salam kenal ibu Ira & Ara.

    Tahniah atas kelahiran baby twins. mesti seronok. :)

    abt walker. me and hubby also plan the same thing. nak belikan walker for Kaisya. tp bila baca banyak cons drpd pro's kitorang decide tak nak beli. bg dia explore atas comforter je. luas sikit kwsn jajahan dia nt. hehe.



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